Money Mindset

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For the Love of MONEY

Money is Love!i-love-money

Even as I write this post today I have that little voice that says, “Really, Really!” are you sure you want to write about this, are you sure you want to put this out into the world.

My answer comes from taking a snippet out of […]

By | 2017-08-07T08:02:28+00:00 August 7th, 2017|General, Money Mindset|Comments Off on For the Love of MONEY

Transform Your Relationship With Money


People tend to lump all money issues together when in fact there’s more to money than meets the eye.

In fact there are five categories of money and when it comes to transforming your relationship with money it is invaluable to address each individual one.

Savings – Debt […]

By | 2017-04-30T10:36:43+00:00 April 29th, 2017|General, Money Mindset|Comments Off on Transform Your Relationship With Money

Financial Trauma

So when I talk about having a financial trauma in your life I am not just referring to finances.

I am referring to an event that has affected how much you trust yourself and how much you are able to create in your life. Your very ability to trust and believe that things are possible for […]

By | 2017-04-27T02:55:21+00:00 September 25th, 2015|Money Mindset|Comments Off on Financial Trauma

Goal Trauma

Just like having a past traumatic event can negatively effect your finances so to can having a goal trauma tied to your goals.

rainyA goal trauma will cast a big black cloud over every aspect of your new goals while effecting your very willingness to step up and […]

By | 2017-04-27T02:59:11+00:00 August 27th, 2015|Money Mindset|Comments Off on Goal Trauma

Fear will stop you in your Tracks

lack-of-funds-mdIt is not the lack of money that stops us, it is our thoughts, judgements and beliefs connected to money that stops us.

I invite you to close your eyes and check in with your body right here and now and see how it feels.

Say out loud ‘I […]

By | 2017-04-27T03:01:44+00:00 August 17th, 2015|Money Mindset|Comments Off on Fear will stop you in your Tracks

Scarcity & Lack

Most of the time many of us are not even aware that this is happening.

ut in companyWe can be out in company and talk turns to money or finances. Before you know it your mind is doing a tailspin and you feel like running.

You hear in your […]

By | 2017-04-27T03:05:48+00:00 August 4th, 2015|Money Mindset|Comments Off on Scarcity & Lack

Running from ‘The Money Monster’

moneymonsterThere’s a reason why you and your money cannot connect.

You have probably spent years beating yourself up with every critical name you can think of when it comes to your money.

I want to let you in on a little secret. ‘Your Money issues are NOT your fault.’

Let […]

By | 2017-04-27T03:37:50+00:00 July 22nd, 2015|Money Mindset|Comments Off on Running from ‘The Money Monster’