When your Emotional Enemy becomes your Friend

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When your Emotional Enemy becomes your Friend


Most people look at Emotional Eating & Addictions as the enemy.

No matter what our challenges are whether they are Over eating, Binge eating, Emotional eating, too much alcohol, too many drugs, Overspending or even Deprivation.

We normally all treat them the same way.


We want to get rid of them as quickly as possible, push them away, disown them, eradicate them, hide them.

We see our challenges as shameful as if ‘They’ are something wrong with ‘Us’

If only we didn’t have that behavior we would be more accepted or considered good enough, lovable or acknowledged for who we are.

We might even be able to Love ourselves..images

If we could just take a magic pill to annihilate this behavior we would do it – as soon as possible, but it’s just not that easy.

We have been taught to see something wrong in us if we suffer from any of this behavior, by mainstream, by society and often times by our own families.

Let’s take a look around at mainstream therapy.

Everything is centered around something having to change or it’s seen as bad or unacceptable or worse – we are told that our behavior is incurable, we are made out to have some sort of disease or disorder.

Clearly there is something wrong with us, a defected part in our personality, we are dependent, weak, flawed, out of control, or we are labeled as having No will power.wrong

What if this approach is what is WRONG.

How many times have you tried these approaches, listened to the mainstream and gathered all of your will power to give something up tried this diet or the next, exercised hard out or gone to AA.

Given someone else control of the money, kept certain love treats out of your house all  because you didn’t trust yourself or…

Shut yourself away became anti-social because you never were able to feel good about yourself.

If you are anything like I was the answer will be MANY.



Not only that, chances are a great many of you will have a rent free lodger (critic in your head) that literally beats yourself up with the exact things mainstream, society, your families have taught you to believe.


Yet what if that is just NOT true.

What if it’s got nothing to do with will-power or default, disease, or being weak, or not being good enough, strong enough, wanting it enough and the list goes on.

What if all of these idea’s have just been a band-aid, a cover up to what is really going on.

What if all of the will-power you could muster would never be enough – It could only ever work for awhile yet never for long term results.

Allow me to open your mind to another concept.

You may of heard that Food is Love and Love is Food, now what if you could look at drugs and alcohol and over spending or deprivation as love and love being all of these too.

Now I’m not saying go out and drink or drug yourself or eat yourself into a stupor, quite the opposite in fact.

What I’m trying to say is that these things that you have been using are just a miss-guided representation of Love or….

‘Lack’ of love you are unconsciously believing is missing.

Now I know this can be a big one to get your head around,


These substances or activities you have been using are in fact the key to the treasure that lies underneath.mask_photography4

They are our messengers and our relationship with these so called addictions or afflictions can take us to some very powerful places within ourselves if we are open and willing to explore and observe.

Like this quote reads  ‘Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise’

Every addiction or troublesome behavior is just like a mask.

There’s a gift hiding underneath yet it’s wearing a disguise.

Addictions, Food issues, Body issues, Money problems, How we see ourselves are not the enemy they are always connected to another area of our lives we are having difficulty with addressing.

These maybe relationship issues, connection with ourselves or family members, love, betrayal, loss, our purpose for being, or so much more.

A common response is to over-eat, over-spend, over-indulge or get rid of anything that doesn’t feel safe.

We can stuff down our emotions, shut them out, block them off, get rid of them or anyone else that makes us feel unsafe.

We can be frightened of losing again especially if we have suffered so much in the past.

So how does your body interpret another loss.

What are we really protecting ourselves from?

So when you can look at these effects or symptoms and address the real causes you will find they have nothing to do with being broken, wrong, not good enough, a loser, weak, unlovable, not strong enough, a disease…

gifts fromThese addictions and over-indulgences or ways we deprive ourselves are in fact our Gifts..

They hide our true selves and when we step into these aspects of ourselves we find the space to our true reality, this is where honesty, sincerity, trust, compassion and love belong.

All of these gifts are asking us to look at our true selves to take courage and step up, to open to our own hearts, our own souls and make the adjustments that better serve our highest good.


Each one of us has this ability to self-heal.

This is where true Transformation and Healing begins.

Life has been teaching us through these substances or activities.

The more uncomfortable you are is your best indicator of how ready you are.

giftsOnce we walk through this doorway to our own Heart our whole world opens up to us.

It’s time to see all of these challenges, these issues as your friend – it’s like we have had two parts or many parts in some instances of our own self being in constant battle with each other.

The Good News!

These parts can all become the Best of friends.

Be willing to Walk through your Doorways what you will find beyond will change ‘Everything.’


Are You ready to be the Change in your Life?

Schedule your confidential 30 minute curious conversation below.

Wishing you the very best in Health, Wealth & Happiness.

Susan has fought her way through Addictions to Alcohol, Drugs, Body and (Poverty) and has emerged through the other side as a certified Coach in Addiction, Nutrition, Yuan Gong (Qigong) Human Life Development & Yuan Ming Medicine, Tapping into Wealth and IS one of Australia’s first Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach’s with Mindshift.money.

Today Susan call’s on all of her life experiences and all of her technical skills and tools so she can help You Neutralize the uncomfortable emotions and Stress around money, Terminate the Limitation and Implement the Steps and Structures to once and for all ‘End’ your money stress forever while you create your life of ‘Financial Freedom’.

Setting and Following the Financial Foundation Principles WILL take you towards Emotional and Financial Freedom – ‘The Choice is Yours’.
You can Contact Susan and schedule your complimentary 30 min confidential curious conversation where you can discuss where you are now and where you would like to be.

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By | 2017-04-27T02:54:35+00:00 September 29th, 2015|General|Comments Off on When your Emotional Enemy becomes your Friend

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