Balance Moods with Food

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Balance Moods with Food

When it comes to Food each one of us has our own Individual requirements for Protein, Fats and Carbohydrates.


aaaWith so many references to diet and lifestyle, what you should eat and what you shouldn’t it can be really confusing and challenging to know what to trust and who to take any notice of.

What I offer below is a guideline knowing we are all different. It is a starting point until you can get to a place where you know exactly what your body wants.

Don’t just blindly follow anyone, let your intuition guide you, take your health into your own hands and the best advice I can give is Try it for yourself.

Let your body be the judge and Always go with how You feel.

Coming through many addictions, emotional eating and deprivation myself, I found the most important elements when wanting to change is setting the intention and start by building a very sound base.

Individual nutritional needs are based on so many different variables while taking into account everything is changing in every moment.

This will give you an idea what is involved so you can understand why one size does not fit all when it comes to an eating plan. (I’ve included these variables at the end of this post)

Finding your Individual Balance is the Key!

In this post I wanted to share with you some Simple Tips using food to help stabilize blood sugar levels which in turn stabilizes the Body AND the Mind.

This is by no means a be all and end all when it comes to alleviating all problems, but never-the-less a great foundation to start from that can make you feel a lot Happier and Healthier.

If you choose to implement these tips into your lifestyle you can expect to notice a remarkable difference inside of 3 – 4 weeks.

Remember it’s all about taking baby steps at this stage. Starting somewhere and using this as a baseline.Baby Steps Logo

The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster Ride!

Did you know that Blood Sugar is one of the main culprits behind Mood Swings, Lack of Energy, decreased Mental alertness, Diabetes, Elevated Cholesterol, Weight gain, Menstrual and Hormonal issues and so many other ailments, even Cancer?  – It is and can be changed by these simple tips!

Blood Sugar has the ability to effect every system in your Body and your Mind. AND….

If it’s out of balance it can certainly leave you feeling really Anxious,Unsatisfied, Unfulfilled, Craving Sugar and can send all of your best intentions of a healthier lifestyle spinning Out of Control.

For example..

Emotional Eating, Craving Alcohol or the Drug of your choice, even Over spending when you have No money to spend. No Kidding!

Elevated Blood Sugar creates that Emotional roller coaster ride setting off the Stress Response dumping cortisol and adrenaline (Stress hormones) into your system and making your Liver go into Overdrive upping blood sugar manufacture just for you to survive.

When that happens all of those uncomfortable emotions come up loud and clear and your body is saying, ‘You have not fed me right..EAT AGAIN!’ DRINK AGAIN! SPEND AGAIN! anything let’s get out of here.

I have found that most people I help today are operating out of this place and the average diet promotes a blood sugar roller coaster ride.

Although I believe most problems have their Roots on the Consciousness level, I have also found when the Blood foodSugar is out of balance it is difficult to Motivate any change.

Here’s another example…..

You may of noticed how quickly a child will get grumpy (tantrums) when they are hungry.

This is indicative of the energy (Qi) levels dropping through one source or another and shows how quickly the mind and body can be triggered to fight or take flight.

Your moods can be a useful gauge if you have binged and deprived and you are not yet connected to your own hunger mechanism.




So Folks…

Stabilizing the Blood Sugar not only decreases your feelings of panic and anxiety it decreases the amount of stress Your body is under.

So Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates first. Let me explain exactly what they are:

A Simple Analogy!

Proteins are anything that have a pair of eyes or come for a pair of eyes, so,

Chicken, Pork, Fish, Cow, Eggs, Milk, Cream, Cheese.

Good Fats are:

Lard, Duck Fat, Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Butter, Ghee, Avocado’s, Nuts.

There are also some great nut oils out there to but please use them without heating. (special reference below for anyone frightened due to heart or cholesterol health)

Carbohydrates, are Anything else…So

That’s your glass of wine or your tankard of beer or your big glass of juice. It’s also vegetables, breads, pasta’s, fruits, root and herbs, grains, beans, pea’s and pulses.

Here is the Simple Rule!

Start by adding Protein and a Fat to Every meal.

Always Balance all of your meals and snacks with a Protein, a Fat and Carbohydrates whenever and wherever possible.

Choosing complex (unrefined) carbohydrates over simple (refined) sugars.

Refined = Anything that has gone through a man made process.

Eating your meals and snacks like this will not only put an end to the roller coaster ride of emotions but your cravings will stabilize and in most cases disappear all together.

Ultimately for a long term approach there is ways of determining exactly what your specific ratio’s for Fats Proteins & Carbohydrates are, but this is the simplest way to start bringing your body and mind back into a natural state of balance right now.

This is a frame work only for you to get to a place where you can start listening to your bodies call for the nutrition it wants and needs.

Providing a good solid base to make the changes that you want to make.

There are ways to gauge your progress but first let me give you some examples of how your food or snacks can look.

*  If you are a fruit eater balance your fruit with nuts or cheese if you are not intolerant.

nuts_2740846bAll nuts have a fat protein and carbohydrate component so make a great snack. Please prepare by soaking them first.

You can also cook your fruit in bio-dynamic butter, coconut oil or add coconut cream or milk.

Use raw cream or milk where you can.

If you love to juice add a Tbls of Coconut oil or a raw egg, coconut cream or milk. Nut Butters.

*  If you are a Porridge eater you can balance with butter or coconut oil or cream while blending it.

Omelets for breakfasts cook in butter, ghee or coconut oil balance with combinations of onions, mushrooms, tomatoes or salads.

Vegetable soups add a Tbls on coconut oil into your bowl.

*  Utilize left over dinners, it will turn your breakfasts around.

Experiment with this you are only limited by your Imagination.

Here are some ways to gauge your journal

*  Keep a food journal

* Give yourself at least one hour after each meal and write down how you feel.

*  Do you still feel hungry?

*  Do you feel like something sweet?

On a scale of 1 – 10 how much energy do you have. 10 being ultimate energy feeling great.

*  How is your mental clarity? 1 – 10

*  Do you feel Bloated? 1-10

*  Do you have any headaches?

*  Do you feel like you could exercise 1-10 Running 1-10 A walk

*  How is your mood Is it elevated or does it feel dark 1 – 10 You want to feel on top of the moon.

*  Do you feel tired and lethargic?

*  Irritated or Anxious?

*  How are your sleep patterns?

These are just some of the ways that our Food effects us and it’s a great place to start.

After each meal you should have great energy levels easily able to last for a least 4 hours with good mental clarity, without cravings and having stable moods.

Through the use of a journal you can see how you responded to each meal or snack. Use this as a guide to what you can add or what to subtract.

If you experienced some of the negative symptoms mentioned above, adjust one of the variables. For example, next time add a little extra olive oil or coconut oil to your meal.

If this works for you, it may highlight that you need more Fats at each meal.

If this doesn’t work, next time add a little more carbohydrates.

If you feel better, it could indicate that you need more carbohydrates.

If that still doesn’t work, eat a larger piece of protein and see how you feel after that.

In my experience it is often the need for more fats in the earlier part of your day and less towards bedtime.

Figuring out which ratios of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate our body needs, can be quite a challenge. I know this, I’ve been doing this for a long time now.

There are no hard and fast rules but remember the golden rule take baby steps and go with how you Feel.

The thing to remember is most of us have been punishing our bodies in some way for a very long time. This is a journey of ‘Loving your Body back to Health.’

Learning how to listen to your body takes time and some effort but you will be rewarded with a Body and Mind in Balance.


Reference for Heart and Cholesterol Health. This book is written by world renowned Doctor, Natasha McBride where in this book she validates everything that is written on this page. health.

Reference to the many Individual Nutrition Needs:

  • Gender
  • Genes/DNA
  • Lifestyle
  • Stress Levels
  • Level of daily activity
  • The weather
  • Where we live
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Age

*  Health levels


Wishing you the very best in Health, Wealth & Happiness.



Susan has fought her way through Addictions to Alcohol, Drugs, Body and (Poverty) and has emerged through the other side as a certified Coach in Addiction, Nutrition, Yuan Gong (Qigong) Human Life Development & Yuan Ming Medicine, Tapping into Wealth and IS one of Australia’s first Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach’s with

Today Susan call’s on all of her life experiences and all of her technical skills and tools so she can help You Neutralize the uncomfortable emotions and Stress around money, Terminate the Limitation and Implement the Steps and Structures to once and for all ‘End’ your money stress forever while you create your life of ‘Financial Freedom’.

Setting and Following the Financial Foundation Principles WILL take you towards Emotional and Financial Freedom – ‘The Choice is Yours’.

You can Contact Susan and schedule your complimentary 30 min confidential curious conversation where you can discuss where you are now and where you would like to be.

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By | 2017-04-27T03:03:46+00:00 August 12th, 2015|6 Foundation Principles, General|Comments Off on Balance Moods with Food

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