Changing your thoughts can change your life

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Changing your thoughts can change your life

Know that who you are is much more than who you think you are. You are more than the stories you’ve made up to describe who you are. You are not your story of who you think you are. If you considered that everything that you think you are, is an illusion that part of you has bought into, so you could seek and obtain approval from other people, since you were a small child. This part of us is stored in our unconscious mind, it is the part of us that keeps re living itself through us even as adults. We keep reliving and re-enacting what we learned from our most prominent teachers from around the age of 7-10 and under.

The Mind of our child is still active.

As Human Beings we are a combination of Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Beings. Whenever we as children felt Shame, Guilt, Fear, Dumb or Stupid, or a sense of being Unloved, we create a persona that is the opposite and we bury these shameful, painful beliefs in our subconscious minds and our Shadow selves or our Masks are born. The parts of us on an emotional level that we pushed down as being unacceptable or not safe to show, or allow. These Shadow beliefs re-appear to show us in many ways, that they are being held down or have been covered up, so we can reclaim who we truly are. Most of the time we ignore these callings and we carry on our daily lives, but the messages get louder and louder, until they are heard and released from our sub conscious minds.

As a child (below the age of 10), we learn how its not safe to be ourselves. We are told who to be. Most of us as children are raised with ,No & Stop! No & Stop! No & Stop! Don’t do that! And Do what I say!!

We very soon become Everyone else and the cover up of who we are, begins.

We get our cues from judgements and reactions all around us, from our teachers, our parents, our partners, our children, even our pets, to the most judgmental of all, our own False Self, there the nagging never ends.

Yes we have a True Self and a False Self and guess who is running our lives?

We learn quickly as children, we are like a sponge and soak in all the requirements just to fit in. By the time we reach the age of around 7, or 10 in some cases, we have developed our own Ego, the part of us that says I.

I am not going to Listen, I am not going to be like them, I am never going to do that or I should be doing that, I, I, I. The story of our Lives. The Mental part of our Life, our Thoughts. They have the ability to affect every aspect of our Health, our Happiness and our Life.

We soon find out what it is like trying to be something or someone according to the rules, or against the rules, you get to choose.

We have to litterally clean all this Garbage out and realise we’re pretty damn wonderful and brilliant just the way we are and YES! we can change.

If we change ourselves with awareness and Love the changes will be positive and transformative. If we choose to constantly nag at ourselves making ourselves wrong like, OMG, I am so stupid! I am so fat! I should of known Better! I can never forgive myself/them for that! Then the changes will be negative.

You see we have spent the major parts of our Life creating this amazing story, to support who we have told ourselves we are, or who we should be. We even choose our partners and our experiences that help us support these beliefs, only to uncover all of the limiting thoughts that keep up trapped in the discomfort that is constantly being shown to us everyday, through pain, anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, shame, blame, judgement, lack of love, self punishment and lack of sleep.

Welcome to this Learning of “Who you REALLY are!”



Wishing you the very best in Health, Wealth & Happiness.


About Susan Whelan

Susan has fought her way through Addictions to Alcohol, Drugs, Body and (Poverty) and has emerged through the other side as a certified Coach in Addiction, Nutrition, Yuan Gong (Qigong) Human Life Development & Yuan Ming Medicine, Tapping into Wealth and IS one of Australia’s first Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach’s with

Today Susan call’s on all of her life experiences and all of her technical skills and tools so she can help You Neutralize the uncomfortable emotions and Stress around money, Terminate the Limitation and Implement the Steps and Structures to once and for all ‘End’ your money stress forever while you create your life of ‘Financial Freedom’.

Setting and Following the Financial Foundation Principles WILL take you towards Emotional and Financial Freedom – ‘The Choice is Yours’.

You can Contact Susan and schedule your complimentary 30 min confidential curious conversation where you can discuss where you are now and where you would like to be.

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By | 2017-04-27T04:50:18+00:00 March 17th, 2015|General|Comments Off on Changing your thoughts can change your life

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