Our Bodies Cry for Water

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Our Bodies Cry for Water

When we consider that a dry mouth is the very last sign of dehydration, how much water do we really need to consume and can we consume too much?

I ask you to take into account, that dehydration not only has an effect on our physical bodies, but our emotional and mental bodies as well.

Lets have a look at some of the processes water is used for in our bodies, then we can decide whether we choose to drink water, or not to drink water.

The many benefits that are assisted by drinking clean, pure, natural water are listed below.

A little bit of complex, but necessary to understand information.

Water is a solvent in the body, and an ultra important means of transport for not only oxygen, but nutrients via the blood, which provides hydration for trillions of our cells everyday, in fact if we don’t have enough water in our bodies, guess where our body goes to get its water.

Our Poop! Eeeek!! Yes, that’s right, our body has an inbuilt mechanism to survive and if it feels threatened by not enough water and being in drought, the body will take any measure to look after itself.

So that’s good enough reason to drink up folks, the alternative is not a good thought.

You may of noticed when you haven’t had much water to drink, how constipated you can become, that’s the reason, your body is sucking that poop dry.

Water is an essential for the bodies metabolism ,(every chemical reaction relies on water).

Energy pathways for ATP production in the body are generated by water.

This is the very reason when we drink adequate amounts of water, based on our bodies weight and energy output, that we are able to recover so well, from exercise, heat, or just our day to day activities.

Water also sticks cell membranes together.

Used continually in the brain cells to be transported on waterways, for transmission of message inputs and outputs along our nerve cells. This is a big deal.

When we begin to understand, that if the brain, which is 85% water, is 1% dehydrated, not only do our brains become sluggish and our mental clarity becomes dull, but every system in our body is compromised.

Headaches are a sure sign our bodies are depleted in water, the brain is never deficient in panodol.

Protein and enzymes for body functions also require water for efficient processors, we need enzyme activity for every function in our bodies.

Water is also vital for cushioning, in the disc’s of our spine and other bony structures throughout our bodies.

For skin elasticity, keeping our skin hydrated, water is like the ultimate in skin care, and the list for water in our bodies goes on.

Water is the absolute ultimate weapon against depression and fatigue, when our moods alter, reach for a glass or two of clean, fresh, natural water.

When you are struggling with food cravings try drinking a glass of water first, you may find you were just thirsty. Its a great way to see.

I’d like to quote an amazing book and reference from F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. He states in his book, Your Body’s Many Cries For Water. “You are not sick, you are thirsty”! Can you just imagine the medical profession telling you that.

Yet many ailments can be helped by just giving your body water and keeping yourself well hydrated.

Certainly the case when we think of adding lemon and honey, when we have an irritated or sore throat, an age old remedy handed down from our grandparents and what’s more it works.

Our body literally calls on water for every action and reaction, that happens every second in our bodies, without us even knowing.

Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% of water, so its pretty safe to say, when we are depleted in water, we are going to feel it and our body and our mind pays the price.

So how much water do we need? Remembering we are not all created the same. Here is a simple way of determining the water that your body requires.

Multiply your body weight in kilo’s by 0.033%, you will get your bodies fluid requirements in litres per day.

This is your bodies water requirements before you add exercise, or work on a hot sweaty day. If you are working in the heat of the day, or you plan to exercise hard out, you need to look at upping your water requirements for the day.

Adding a pinch of good quality sea salt in your water bottles will add electrolytes in a natural way, which will assist in your bodies detoxification process’s and recovery in a greater way. Stop the endless running to the loo as well, now that’s a little bonus in itself.

I like to add a pinch of salt to a bottle size of 1.25ltr. You should not be able to taste the salt, if you can you have added to much.

Good quality salts are Celtic Sea Salt, Himylayan Sea Salt ,or NZ Sea Salt ,is another good one. Make sure your salt is an off white color, not white, this speaks of bleach.

Can you drink too much water? Yes! Most definitely.

Today’s fashion is to continually slug out of a water bottles in big amounts, just keep pouring it down your throat.

What happens here, is, besides continually making tracks in your carpet running to the toilet, you can flush out all your bodies essential minerals and vitamins along with your water, straight down the loo.

Notice if your hands, feet, end of your nose gets cold and if so, instead of more water, make yourself a nourishing snack, go easy on the water, your body extremities will warm up and thank you.

When you know your bodies fluid requirements per day, just work on that and see how you feel.

Learning to listen to your body helps a lot., this is something that comes with practice.

Normally a glass of water, or cup of warm water upon rising from bed in the morning, to start your day and to hydrate your body after a long nights sleep, add some lemon to help you body alkalinise this is a great idea, our bodies dehydrate while asleep at night.

A glass before you eat through the day, at least a half an hour before you eat is great. Sipping your water when you are thirsty, instead of believing you need to keep drinking all day.

detoxIf you have trouble drinking your water, you can start by adding lemon, or mandarin, limes or orange to your water and slowly reducing these, when you feel.

Remember to stop, notice and celebrate any little improvements and congratulate yourself, the body loves celebration and will bring you more things to celebrate.

If you really hate water, question that.

What are my thoughts about drinking water, what don’t I like about water?

Maybe you were forced to drink water as a child.

Maybe you have a fear of water for some reason or another.

Does your body carry fluid? how do you feel about that?

Maybe you hate that about your body. I know I did. Our bodies have an amazing way of telling and showing us where to go to heal.

As you can see there are many reasons why it is good to consume water, after all, our bodies are not made of orange juice are they:)

So drink up and celebrate our bodies and water!


Wishing you the very best in Health, Wealth & Happiness.


About Susan Whelan

Susan has fought her way through Addictions to Alcohol, Drugs, Body and (Poverty) and has emerged through the other side as a certified Coach in Addiction, Nutrition, Yuan Gong (Qigong) Human Life Development & Yuan Ming Medicine, Tapping into Wealth and IS one of Australia’s first Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach’s with Mindshift.money.

Today Susan call’s on all of her life experiences and all of her technical skills and tools so she can help You Neutralize the uncomfortable emotions and Stress around money, Terminate the Limitation and Implement the Steps and Structures to once and for all ‘End’ your money stress forever while you create your life of ‘Financial Freedom’.

Setting and Following the Financial Foundation Principles WILL take you towards Emotional and Financial Freedom – ‘The Choice is Yours’.

You can Contact Susan and schedule your complimentary 30 min confidential curious conversation where you can discuss where you are now and where you would like to be.

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By | 2017-04-27T04:51:46+00:00 February 27th, 2015|6 Foundation Principles|Comments Off on Our Bodies Cry for Water

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